This Notgeld is the 3rd denomination of a 3-piece set, issued by the City of Orsoy. A former medieval fortress city, on the shores of the lower Rhine River. While the fortress was abandoned by 1819, portions of it have survived. Its fractured walls seamlessly fitting among the centuries of stone buildings. These wall sections often form the edges of public parks and walkways.
Each note of the set depicts one of Orsoy's many historical land marks. Including the Rathaus (City Hall), the Kuhtor (Cow Gate), and the Pulverturm (Power Tower). Notably all denominations feature the same reverse artwork, depicting the city's shores. (This note will be reviewed reverse first)

The reverse features a detailed illustration of the "City of Orsoy on the Lower Rhein", in "1347". This time coincides with the reign of the Holy Roman Emperor Ludwig IV. The illustration while beautifully drawn, has notable anachronism. Such as the steamboat in the foreground and the 15th century Evangelical Church of Orsoy.
The only explanation being this was a contemporary image, simply listed as "1347". The note's "50" Pfennig value is represented by a pair of panels, at the upper-left and right. Below the illustration is a reference to the note's printer, "Carl Schleicher & Schüll, Düren".

The observe features and illustration of the Orsoy Rathaus, at its center. It was built in 1600, replacing the old Rathaus burnt down by the Spaniards, in 1586. This image spilts the header text which reads (trans.), the "City of Orsoy". Below the spilt header is reference to the note's (trans.) "Fifty Pfennig, 50" value and the Orsoy Coat of Arms.
Below the illustration is a notification to the bearer. Stating the note is to be "redeemed by the city treasury of Orsoy". And will remain valid up to 1 month, after recall by the local newspaper. Below this notification is the note's "1 May 1921" print date. Followed by a signature by the Burgermeister (Mayor), notarizing it's use and a serial number (No 030272).
Full Translation
City (of) Orsoy
This note is redeemed by the city treasury of Orsoy.
It loses its validity 1 month after recall, in the Orsoyer Newspaper.
Orsoy, 1 May 1921
The Mayor