This small Notgeld was issued by the City of Norden. Norden is the northwesternmost city in mainland Germany. It lays in the region of Ostfriesland (East Friesland) and is home to the Frisians. A Germanic ethnic group native to the coasts of northwestern Germany and Netherlands. Their language and culture shares many similarities to their Dutch neighbors.
To our knowledge this Notegeld is not part of a wider series.

The observe features rows of Dutch-style windmills. The header reads (trans.) "City of Norden", while the lower text lists the note's "Twenty Five Pfennig" value. This value is repeated as a number "25", at the center-left. Opposite is a decorative backing, with three 6-pointed star. Beneath these backings are illustrations of a fisherman (left) and farmer (right).
The footer lists the printer as, (trans.) "Gebrüder Jänecke, Print and Publishing House, Hanover".

The reverse features a notification to the note's bearer. It states the note loses it's validity, (trans.) "within one month of public recall, by the magistrate at the Norden city council". Below this notification is the note's "6 January 1921" print date. Followed by it's serial number (011107) and the Magistrate's signature.
The reverse text is surrounded by a simple decorative border.
This voucher loses its validity if it is not redeemed,
within one month of the public recall.
By the magistrate at the Norden city council.
Norden, the 6. January 1921.
The Magistrate