This Notgeld was issued by the City of Frankfurt Am Main. To our current understanding it does not belong to a known series. Although it can often be seen paired with a 50 Pfennig valued notgeld. Which has a somewhat similar design, although was issued on the 1 May 1917.

The observe is relatively simple with basic embellishments. Due in part that it served as form of deferred payment, rather than a central currency. The note lacks an underprint and the text is surrounded by a decorative frame.
The header declarers the note as issued by the City of Frankfurt am Main. While main text below declares the note as a voucher, valued at twenty-five Pfennig. To its left and right are a pair of Frankfurt Coat of Arms, each features a Reichesadler (Imperial Eagle).
The sub-text below outlines the note will be redeemed at the Frankfurt city treasury. With a future expiration date to be publicly declared. It followed by a "3 Nov. 1919" print date and a city magistrate signature. All the above is flanked by a large number "25", representing the notes 25 Pfennig value.
To note's lower left is the text "Lit. D", to the best of our knowledge this refers to the print batch.
City of Frankfurt am Main
Voucher for twenty-five Pfennig
This voucher is redeemed at the City Treasury of Frankfurt a/M.
The time at which the voucher expires will be made public.
Frankfurt am Main, 3 November 1919
The Magistrate

Unlike the observe, the reverse is much more decorative. At the center is a diamond frame, inside is an illustration of Frankfurt am Main. The Alte Brücke (Old Bridge) can be seen, across the Main River. While the spires of the Frankfurter Dom (Frankfurt Cathedral) can be made out in the background.
Surrounding this image, it the title (trans.) "Twenty-Five Pfennig", The first letter "F" is stylized forming a circle around a number "25". Oak leaf embellishments and additional number "25"s can be seen nearby. Below is the note's printer, (trans.) "R.Th. Hauser Printing Co, Frankfurt A.M".
All the before mentioned is surrounded by a repeating "snail/snail shell" pattern.