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Lounging On The Alster-50 Pfennig (Hamburg, 1921)


This Notgeld represents part of a 4-piece set issued by the St. Georg Sports Association (SV St. Georg Hamburg). SV St. Georg Hamburg is a football (soccer) club, which was established on 3 June 1895. It was was founded on the left bank of the Alster River, by students of Frisch-Auf Seminary Association. SV St. Georg founded the German Football Association in 1900. By joining with FC Hammonia Hamburg, later was founded on the Alster's right bank.

Notably all Notgeld from this series are valued at 50 Pfennig. Although their reverse art differs, in which location and historical event they depict. The colorful art is set between the German Confederation (1815-1866) and Imperial (1871-1918) eras. To pay tribute to this art, this note will be reviewed reverse first.


The reverse features a large colorful illustration titled "Alster (River) in 1800". The Alster has long since been a famous landmark of Hamburg. To the extent the inner city has built itself around the Elbe tidal flows of the Alster. These include 13th century lakes known as the Außenalster (Outer Alster) and smaller Binnenalster (Inner Alster). Which were formed by carefully placed dams and canals.

These lakes and waterways have long served parks and festival grounds. These festivals include the annual Alstervergnügen (Alster Pleasure). Celebrated at the Binnenalster on the first weekend of September. And the annual Kirschblütenfest (Cherry Blossom Festival), celebrated on the Außenalster during May. With the exception of winter freezes recreational rides are available on the cities numerous boat and barges.

Notably the note's paddle boat features the Hamburgfahne (Hamburg city flag) at its rear. Nearby children can be seen feeding the famous Alster Swans. Which have been a publicly funded attraction since the 16th century. The swans are cared for by a special Schwanenwesen (Swan Affairs) department. Which employees a group of park rangers, who also maintain the swans' natural habitat.

Below the illustration is a small poem describing the small boat of the Alster. The poem is flanked by "parchments" with "50 Pf." on them. Symbolizing the note's 50 Pffenig value.


Alster Rush (River) in 1800
Where the punts and canoes go.
Ride the Alster a hundred years ago.
50 Pfennig-50 Pfennig


The observe features an illustration of Saint Georg slaying a dragon with his lance. The scene depicted is based on the 11th century text the famous Legenda Aurea (The Golden Legend). In which the Christian saint Georg slays a dragon (metaphor for evil), to advert the sacrifice of a princess. In order to fulfill a annual human tribute to the dragon, who raids and poisons the land.

Above the note is listed as a voucher from the St. Georg Sports Association. While below is the printer is simply noted as "A. Muhlhan". To the left is a notification that the note can be redeemed by the "Bank House Mohle & Vallmer". While the right, notifies the bearer the note losses its value 1 month after being recalled. Below this is a issue date of the "1st September 1921" and a signature.

The note's value is reaffirmed by "50 Pf."s, located on the lower left and upper right corners. The upper left corner features "G St 1816", a reference to the St. Georg Sports Association. While the lower left features "H u.T 1816", a reference to the Hamburg Gymnastics Union of 1816.


St. Georg Sports Association
The Hamburg Gymnastics Union of 1816
Redemption Point:
Bank House Mohle & Vallmer
Blockade 17
-Right Side-
This note loses its value, 1 month after public announcement.
Hamburg the 1st September 1921
-Left Side-


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