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Landmarks Of The Old Fisher's City: 70 Pfennig (Altona, 1921)


This Notgeld is the 5th denomination of a 6-piece set, issued by the City of Altona. Since 1938, this city has been incorporated as a bezirk (boroughs) of the City of Hamburg. Altona (then known as Altena) grew from a fisherman's inn, owned by Joachim von Lohe (1500-1570). Although through the centuries grew into successful city, famous for its Sonntäglicher Fischmarkt (Sunday Fish Market).

Each note of the set features a watercolor paintings representing Altona. These painting include images of various ships, boats, and local landmarks. One notable feature of the set are it's odd denominations. Which are divided into multiples of 10 Pfennig, instead of the usual groups of 25.

(This note will be reviewed reverse first.)


The reverse features a watercolor painting of the Donnerschloss (Donner Castle). Which was previously owned by the Donner banking family. After the death of Bernhard and Helene Donner, the City of Altona acquired the land (1911). The surrounding grounds were made into a public park and castle was used as an exhibit.

Notably Helene Donner was know for being charitable. The widow Helene funded the creation of the Helenenstift, which was donated to the German Red Cross. The Helenenstift continues to be used as hospice and training center for nurses. Although unfortunately the Donner Castle has not survived. As it was struck in an allied bombing raid, in 1942.

The reverse text is fairly sparse and practical. The upper-left reads "70PF", representing the note's unusual 70 Pfennig value. While the bottom simply reads "ALTONA", the note's issuing city.


The vertical observe features a watercolor painting of the Altona Coat of Arms. An opened stone gate with three spires. The text above states the note will become invalid, two weeks after being recalled. Notably gates spires creates some spacing within this text. Below the spires is the note's serial number, "No 111503".

Below the gate is some additional text and signatures. The first line states the note was issued on the "12 December 1921". Followed by four signatures representing the city magistrate, notarizing the note. The footer below list the note's printer, "H. W. Köbner & Co. GmbH".


This note becomes invalid 2 weeks,
after recalled by the Altonaer note (sheet) office.
Altona-E 12 December 1921
The Magistrate


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