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The Battle Of Godelheim: 1 Mark (Godelheim, 1921)


This Notgeld was issued by the city of Godelheim, a small settlement in the district of Höxter. Notably this note would traditionally be considered 2nd, in a 3-piece series. Although all note's of the series share the same basic artwork and value. Differing only color of their observe ink, ranging from light brown, dark blue, and forest green. (To pay tribute to this note's impressive artwork, this note will be reviewed reverse first)


The reverse is domination by an impressive colored illustration of a battle scene. It depicts the Frankish army of Charlemagne (747-814 CE) crossing the Weser river, to battle the pagan Saxons. Above is a white banner reading, "Battle on the Weser (River), near Godelheim-Maygadessen". While below is the date of the battle, "anno 787". The date is provided in Latin, as Emperor Charlemagne considered his empire to be an extension of Roman tradition.

The before mentioned scene is part of a greater series of 18 military campaigns, known as the Saxon Wars (772–804). In which, the Christian Franks invaded the pagan Saxon in retribution for the burning of the Church of Deventer. Leading to a declaration of casus belli (an art of war), by Charlemagne. With the objective of ending the Saxon raids, into the Frankish realm. By forcibly converting the pagan Saxons to Christianity.


The observe's upper right features the "Schloss Godelheim" or Godelheim Manor. The manor grounds are believed to have been originally owned by the Lords of Boffessen, prior to 1490. The current manor house (seen here) was built in 1851. When the majority of the manors moats were backfilled.

The "Godelheim Manor" house can still be visited today. Although it has since been convert into a famous hotel/restaurant/museum. The manor house is now known by as the "Schloss Maygadessen", it's original 1851 name.

Moving to the right is the note's "header" features banner text, it reads "Notgeld of the Community of Godelheim". Followed by "1 Mark", notifying the bearer the note's value. Notably this value marker has been illustrated to appear as an antique wax stamp.

The remaining lower center/left contains 3 sections, including a notification and signature. The first section notifies bearer the note is valid until "1 March 1922". Followed by an issue date of "10 May 1921" by the community of "Godelheim, District of Höxter". The 2nd center section is simply a logo reconfirming the note's issuing body.

While the final section features a notary signature, by a member of the "Community Board". Marking the note as being legitimate. Notably mail order collector notes of the period, will lack this signature.


Notgeld of the Community of Godelheim
1 Mark
-Right Side-
Godelheim Manor
-Upper Right-
Valid until 1 March 1922.
Godelheim, District of Höxter the 10 May 1921.
Community Godelheim, District of Höxter
Community Board
-Lower Left-


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