This notgeld is the 3rd denomination of the 3-piece "wandering bird" set, issued by the city of Kahla. The set features various moments from the life Friedrich "Muck" Lamberty (1891-1984). The founder of the Neue Schar (New Flock/Crowd) youth movement. The series arc is known as Muck's "Fall of Man.
Founded in May 1920, in the aftermath of the Great War (1914-1918). Neue Schar began with a youth train, in the Ore Mountain village of Hartenstein. The group's initial goal being a Wandervögel (wandering bird) hike to a meeting, in Kronach (Upper Franconia). It was at this meeting that "Muck" called for the founding of a "Neue Schar".
The youth group's members sang, preached and danced, throughout the country. Proclaiming a "revolution of the soul" and slept amongst the countryside. This journey was highlighted by a dancing procession of over 10,000, in Erfurt's Domplatz (Cathedral Square). Earning "Muck" the reputation of being being a modern Rattenfänger von Hameln (Pied Piper of Hamelin).
In October 1920, the group returned back to Hartenstein. Spending the winter in the Leuchtenberg castle, near Kahla. An artisan commune was established, with it's members earning their stead by sewing clothing, making shoes, and woodwork, The commune was tolerated by the local farmers and was seen with much sympathy and amusement. Which ended when a female member reported her involment with "Muck". The controversy leading to the group's eviction from Leuchtenberg, Febuary 1921.
As this moment from Muck's journey, is depicted on the note's reverse. It will be reviewed reverse first, to provided a better understanding of the history of the Neue Schar movement.

The reverse is covered by a colorful illustration and accompanying poem. It depicts Muck's "Fall of Man, in which the Neue Schar was evicted from Leuchtenberg castle. A disgraced "Muck", strolls down a path, the Leuchtenberg distantly on a hill. Forming the center of attention of the artwork.
On lower sides, are two groups of departing youths. Which is mirrored by pairs of White Storks flying overhead. This having greater symbolism, than what first meets the eye. As White Storks mate in Germany from February to April, dating time which event took place. In addition, to White Storks being historically seen as symbols of good luck, within German culture. Also the seasonal migration of the storks has its own parallels, to the wandering of the Wandervögel youth members.
This sense of "luck" despite lose, is reflected in the note's poem. Citing the question, "(w)hat left of your good intentions?". Followed by the retort, "(c)ount the heads of your flock". Which is by "(t)here are seven instead of six". Symbolically more members were gained, despite the loss of the commune.
Notably this final retort is more pronounced in the original German. Then it would otherwise be in an English translation. As originally there's an immediate pause, between the words six and seven (Six...Seven!).
What left of your good intentions, my dear Muck?
Count the heads of your flock: There are seven instead of six!

The observe features a large number "75", at the upper center. Symbolizing the notes 75 Pfennig value, which is somewhat unusual. As most notgeld display there value with either an accompanying Pfennig sign (₰). Or some additional confirmation in the form of text.
Besides this large number "75", is a pair of shields featuring 7 stars. Notably the lack of "crossing" on the stars, identifies the note as being a rarer variant (P# 668.3a). Moving below is a title identifiying the note, as a "(v)oucher from the city of Kahla". Below are signatures of 2 city council representatives.
These signatures are flanked by an issue date (15 August 1921) and serial number (080574). The serial number is printed above a red "barred" print, as an anti-counterfeit measure. This is reinforced by a "rippled" 6-pointed star underprint. Below an expiration date is listed, as 31 December 1921.
With exception of the beforementioned expiration date. All of the above is weathered by a border, feature evergreen branches and cones. The note's artist is listed as C. Schröter of Leipzig, on the lower left. There is notable asymmetry toward the left border, due the print not being properly centered.
Voucher from the city of Kahla S-A (Saale)
The City Council
Issued 15 August 1921
This note expires on 31 December 1921